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Student Resources

Preparing for a study abroad is “paperwork intensive” and detail-orientated, there’s just no way around it! It is also incredibly rewarding and may be the most memorable part of your student’s college education, so we believe the hard work is worth it!

In preparation for student’s study abroad program, students should be mindful and responsible for the following: 
  • Reading and saving ALL emails and materials that we and the host program/institutions send.
  • Completing and uploading or returning appropriate forms by the deadlines.
  • Making travel arrangements to arrive at (and depart from) the specific location in order to fully participate in the program.
  • Applying for a passport, visa, and/or any additional immigration documents if applicable.
  • Corresponding directly with the host program/institution for specific questions relating to their program.
  • Selecting courses and making sure all courses are approved by Quinnipiac.
  • Scheduling any necessary medical check-ups, obtaining required immunizations, and/or filling prescriptions (if applicable).
Click the tabs for FAQs, travel tips, travel warning, diversity, and scholarship opportunities. 