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Diversity Abroad

Students with disabilities who intend to study abroad should check in with the The Office of Global Engagement and Quinnipiac University's Office of Student Accessibility . The Office of Global Engagement needs to know of disabilities so that it may advise you appropriately on your choice of study abroad destination. Additionally, please feel free to check with your host institution (or to have the The Office of Global Engagement check) on the availability of disability services in your destination. Diversity Abroad
Students facing difficulty in financing their time abroad might investigate our page on this site geared toward payment and financing for study abroad. Additionally, there are a multitude of resources provided by affiliate organizations, non-profit organizations, academic institutions, and other bodies that are available to be applied for by the student. The awarding of these assistance measures is not guaranteed but can go a long way toward lessening the financial burden of time abroad. Also, feel free to come to visit the The Office of Global Engagement for tips on how to budget appropriately for your time abroad in whatever your destination may be. The The Office of Global Engagement may also be able to provide you with more specific resources tailored to your particular study abroad needs. Always feel free to do research on your own, and approach the The Office of Global Engagement with any questions you may have. Diversity Abroad
Norms and mores relating to gender and sexual identity and expression vary by country, community, and region. It is important to understand that coming out in some places may be an act greeted warmly, and in others greeted quite unpleasantly. Non-heterosexuality is sometimes a crime in various destinations, and certain physical behaviors may carry differing social connotations than they do here. Take social attitudes toward sexuality and gender into consideration while going abroad. Always feel free to contact the The Office of Global Engagement for assistance on these matters, and for important things to consider when making your study abroad decision. Diversity Abroad
Being a first-generation student going abroad can be an overwhelming experience for some, but it is always rewarding. The link below, crafted by Diversity Abroad, contains some helpful advice for first-generation students seeking to spend time abroad. Always feel free to contact the The Office of Global Engagement for support. While abroad, do not be afraid to form friends within your cohort or students and the local community. Support networks can be found everywhere if one only knows where to look. Diversity Abroad
While abroad, the demography of your destination country and community will differ from that in the United States. As a result, so may your status as a student of minority status. It is very important to remember that frequently, regardless of other characteristics you may have, you will be recognized as an American first, and anything else second. Given cultural differences, locals may act quite differently regarding your minority status than most people do here. If you are in a very homogenous area of an ethnic or cultural group different from yours, you might expect to be treated as a curiosity. It is important to remember that these actions are not usually ones of hostility, but of novelty and interest. Always remember to put your own safety first, and that you are operating in a different culture under different social constructions. Diversity Abroad